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█ ██ ██ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ █ WhiTech BBS, 1:3636/2, 919-692-6138 USR DS █
█ ██ ██ ██ █ █
█ ██ ██ ██ █ █ █ ██ █▀▀ █▀▀ █ █ █ Southern Pines, NC █
█ ██▄██▄██ █▀█ █ ██ █▀ █ █▀█ █ █
█ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ █ Software Support Bulletin Board █
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"The Date And Time Stamper"
DaTiStam 1.03nc
February 27, 1992
(c) Copyright 1992, All Rights Reserved, WhiTech
What Is DaTiStam? .......................... 1
Installation ............................... 1
DTS Highlights ............................. 1
Demonstration: Batch Files Described........ 1
Options Available, Summary ................. 1
Options: Output to Screen ................. 2
Output to File ................... 3
Renaming Files ................... 4
DOS Date/Time Check .............. 6
Remote Access BBS Log Entries .... 7
Front Door Mailer Log Entries .... 7
Date & Time Imbedded Codes List ............ 8
User License & Registration ................ 9
Registration Form .......................... 10
Program History ............................ 11
Program Author's Address ................... 11
Support Bulletin Board System .............. 11
Closing Comments ........................... 11
DaTiStam 1.03nc (c) Copyright 1992, All Rights Reserved, WhiTech Software
DaTiStam 1.03nc Introduction, Install, How To Use Page 1 of 11
Utility to print the date and time in many formats. Highlights are:
o Over 30 Date and Time formats available!
o Imbedded commands are 'picture types' of how the data will look like
when replaced with current date and time - makes text writing easier.
o Print formatted text to any row and column position, centering of text
on specific/current row, auto-centering, and choice of 127 colors!
o Route formatted text to a text file. Keep logs of computer activity,
append YOUR messages to BBS log files, and much more!
o File Renaming using the imbedded commands for file name and the file
extension! Prevention for overwriting a file by auto-incrementing the
8th letter in filename from A-Z until a free file is found.
o Simple checking of the DOS Date and Time - useful if clock battery is
starting to give up the ghost and you want to know how bad it is.
DTS is not crippled in any way whatsoever. The only difference between the
non-registered version and the registered version is the letters after the
version number: "nc" = Non-Commercial, and "+" = Registered. Please read
further herein for definition of the two types.
Copy DTS.COM any where within your DOS PATH specification for global access.
DEMO1.BAT: General information about DTS.
DEMO2.BAT: Full Color Chart for [color] parameter.
DEMO3.BAT: Use DTS to log use of software on PC.
DEMO4.BAT: Print a box with date and time within. Also demonstrates using "C"
for [column] to center text automatically.
DEMO5.BAT: Start your word processor with return address, date, and time
filled in for you!
DEMO6.BAT: Test of all imbedded date and time parameters. A colorful demo as
well. Padding for spaces within the text was achieved by using
ALT-255 to pad the lines to the length desired. You cannot use
just spaces, as the "space" is an argument delimiter for the DOS
command line.
1. Screen Output : DTS [color] [row] [column] [text]
2. File Output : DTS /FILE [text] {>,>>} {newfile}
3. File Renaming : DTS /REN [oldfile] [newfile]
4. Check Date/Time : DTS /CLOCK
5. Remote Access Log: DTS /RA [symbol] [text]
6. Front Door Log : DTS /FD [symbol] [text]
7. " " : DTS /FD DATE [version number of FD]
DaTiStam 1.03nc (c) Copyright 1992, All Rights Reserved, WhiTech Software
DaTiStam 1.03nc Output To Screen Page 2 of 11
DTS [color] [row] [column] [text] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
[color] - Number from 0 to 127. Run the program COLORS for a color chart
to go by. Use value of 0 for file output.
[row] - Number from 1 to 25, Screen row to print it on.
Use value of 0 for file output, or centering (see [column] ).
[column] - Number from 1 to 80, Screen column to print it on. The text to
print will be truncated to 80-[column]. Use value of 0 for
file output, or, to center text on current line (if [row] = 0)
or specific [row], use the capital letter C in place of number.
[text] - Text that you wish to print. The [text] parameter allows you
to imbed several time/date codes which will be replaced with
the time/date in the given format. See page 5 for a list of
all imbedded codes available.
Note: Colored background printing doesn't look good unless you
have an extra space to the left and right of the text. To fix
this, I use the ALT key and right keypad to put the ASCII 255
character to the left and right of it. To achieve this, hold
down the ALT key and press the KEYPAD numbers 2, 5, 5, and then
release the ALT key. You will see nothing-- it is a "blank".
─── Print a simple message to screen. Second one is automatic centering.
dts 3 4 2 This is for demonstration only.
dts 3 5 C This is for demonstration only.
─── Print a box in top left corner of screen with date and time. Box and
text color is bright green on red. This example is in DEMO4.BAT.
dts 74 1 57 ┌────────────────────┐
dts 74 2 57 │ Date: mmm dd, yyyy │
dts 74 3 57 │ Time: hh:mm -m │
dts 74 4 57 └────────────────────┘
dts 0 22 2
DaTiStam 1.03nc (c) Copyright 1992, All Rights Reserved, WhiTech Software
DaTiStam 1.03nc Output To File Page 3 of 11
DTS /FILE [text] {[>,>>] [outfile]} ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Append date/time formatted text to a data file of your choice.
[text] May be any characters as defined in Option #1. If you omit
the next two parameters, the text will be echoed to screen.
[>,>>] DTS will never see this command and any that come after it.
Use ">" if you wish to CREATE [newfile], or use ">>" if you
wish to APPEND TO [newfile]. You must use ">" or ">>", but
not both.
[newfile] Can be any drive:\path\filename that DOS will allow.
PLEASE NOTE: DTS will not see anything after the [text] parameter, as
your operating system will see ">" or ">>" and send the output of
"DTS /FILE [text]" to the [newfile]. Please use caution in setting up
any commands using this option, as you can overwrite a file!
─── Put a date/time stamp at the bottom of a text file.
dts /FILE mm-dd-yy hh:mm:ss > filename.ext
─── Record use of software with a comment imbedded. You can use DOS Batch
Environment Variables (%1 - %9) to store a task name and a user's name
for stamping a usage log! An example for running WordPerfect:
Batch File Syntax: WP [User Name] [User Task]
@echo off
cd \soft\wordperf
dts /FILE yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss BEGIN WordPerfect [%1] %2 %3 %4 >> sys.log
dts /FILE yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss END WordPerfect [%1] %2 %3 %4 >> sys.log
cd \
User types at DOS prompt [C:\]: WP Mary Memo to CEO <Enter>
After Mary exits WordPerfect, the file will have two additional lines:
19927215 14:30:34 BEGIN WordPerfect [Mary] Memo to CEO
19927215 14:34:12 END WordPerfect [Mary] Memo to CEO
An interactive SYS.LOG with several users may look like this:
19927215 14:00:00 BEGIN COMPUTER ON
19927215 14:31:54 BEGIN Lotus [John] Budget Summary
19927215 14:34:25 END Lotus [John] Budget Summary
19927215 14:32:34 BEGIN dBASE [Jane] XXX Project
19927215 15:49:23 END dBASE [Jane] XXX Project
19927215 14:50:23 END COMPUTER OFF
DaTiStam 1.03nc (c) Copyright 1992, All Rights Reserved, WhiTech Software
DaTiStam 1.03nc Output To File, continued Page 4 of 11
─── Want your ASCII Word Processor to automatically insert current date and
time in your memos? This example is in DEMO5.BAT. Consider the
following lines within a batch file to call your editor:
echo John White > %1
echo PO Box 878 >> %1
echo Pinebluff, NC 28373 >> %1
echo [alt-255] >> %1
echo [alt-255] >> %1
dts /FILE mmmmmmmmm dd, yyyy >> %1
echo [alt-255] >> %1
echo [alt-255] >> %1
[your word processor name] %1
%1 is the filename you want to edit, > tells DOS to send the data to
that filename. >> tells DOS to append data to the filename. Type
[alt-255] by holding down the ALT key, use the keypad and type the
numbers 2, 5, and 5, and release the ALT key.
This will put you in your text editor with your return address and
current date already typed in for you! Note that this would be good
to CREATE a file, not to EDIT, as the ">" symbol tells DOS to CREATE
the file - overwriting it if it already exists.
DaTiStam 1.03nc (c) Copyright 1992, All Rights Reserved, WhiTech Software
DaTiStam 1.03nc Renaming Files Page 5 of 11
DTS /REN [oldfile] [newfile] :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Change a file to another name using most of the imbedded codes.
[oldfile] - must exist.
[newfile] - If a file extension (.XXX) isn't given, the extension
from the [oldfile] will be used.
Most characters are allowed with the exception of
*+:;,/\<>|?=[]. Also, only one period is allowed for
separating the file and extension. Cross-directory or
cross-drive renaming is not supported.
The file name portion (without extension) must be less
than eight (9) characters. If you wish to keep the file
name of [oldfile] and modify only the extension, leave
off the file name, and set [newfile] to "." plus three
characters for the extension.
o Checks if [oldfile] exists before continuing.
o Checks if any invalid DOS filename characters are used.
o If extension is left OFF of the [newfile] parameter, it will
assume the extension of [oldfile].
o Almost all of the imbedded date/time codes listed are available
for using in the [newfile] parameter! The exceptions are those
that have a "," or ":" which are invalid DOS filename characters.
Also any with ".", as a DOS filename can only have one "." which
separates the file name from the file extension.
o Supports renaming ARCHIVE file extensions for distribution -
popular for NET nodelist files. Type [newfile] as ".jj". If
julian date is < 100, the new file will be X.Xjj, if > 99, then it
will be X.jjj.
o You may use any imbedded command in formatting the file name or
the extension, but be aware that two peculiarities may occur: 1)
If you specify a imbedded code that is more than 8 characters for
the filename, or more than 3 characters for the extension, then it
will be truncated to 8 or 3 characters; 2) If the file name
portion [newfile] after processing is 8 characters, and the file
already exists, DTS will REPLACE the eighth character letter with
a letter from A-Z until it finds an unused file name.
o If DTS cannot get an unused file name (gads!), then the [oldfile]
will not be renamed, and an error message will be displayed.
o If no errors are encountered, DTS will display the [oldfile] and
the generated [newfile] data before it renames the [oldfile].
DaTiStam 1.03nc (c) Copyright 1992, All Rights Reserved, WhiTech Software
DaTiStam 1.03nc DOS Date/Time Check Page 6 of 11
DTS /CLOCK :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Test the system clock to see if the clock batter is bad. If the
clock batter fails, the next reboot will, for most DOS systems,
default to midnight 01/01/80. The date is tested for a year less
than 1992, and the time is tested for "00:99"-- where hours is "00"
for midnight. The errorlevels returned are:
Errorlevel 0: All is "okay"
Errorlevel 1: System Date is less than 1992
Errorlevel 2: System Date < 1992 and Time = 00:00
A batch file can handle manual input of date/time :
if errorlevel 0 if not errorlevel 1 goto Okay
if errorlevel 2 if not errorlevel 3 goto GetDateTime
:---------------------------------- Correct Time
:---------------------------------- GetDateTime
:---------------------------------- GetDate
Please understand that this isn't a complete and thorough test of
the clock battery! You could manually change the date/time and make
it return an errorlevel 1 or 2! My clock in an old XT was acting
flaky and I added this little ditty to check it for awhile -- maybe
someone else can use it too?
DaTiStam 1.03nc (c) Copyright 1992, All Rights Reserved, WhiTech Software
DaTiStam 1.03nc Remote Access / Front Door Logs Page 7 of 11
DTS /RA [symbol] [text] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Append information to a Remote Access BBS log file. The format of a
log entry is: "x dd-Mmm HH:MM:SS PROGN text..". A typical entry may
> 27-Feb 22:00:01 RA01 Chip Kukuk on-line at 14400 BPS
RA offers two types of logging: Compact, which is little detail, and
Expanded, which contains more information including the line number
in a multi-line system. The first character, ">", is a symbol for
the event that is taking place. The RA BBS module uses ">", whereas
RAMSG uses ">", " ", "!", "~", and "#". Please consult your RA BBS
manual for detailed definition of the various types available.
All symbols may be used in your command line except the ">", which
DOS will intercept as a redirection request, therefore you must use
the "}" (right parenthesis) when you wish to use this symbol. DTS
will substitute it with ">".
The column PROGN is the program that is being executed. Example
commands you may use are:
DTS /RA } STATS Generating RA Statistics
DTS /RA ! STATS Cannot find configuration file: XXXX.CFG
DTS /RA ! STATS Creating Default configuration: XXXX.CFG
DTS will format the line in accordance to the RA log format.
DTS /FD [symbol] [text] ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Append information to a Front Door Mailer log file. FD's log format
is two lines, one for the system date, and proceeding lines for FD
activity that day. An example set is:
---------- Wed 27 Feb 92, FD 2.02
= 22:00:01 CONNECT 14400/ARQ
FD will write the date line each time FD is executed. An example
entry you may use is:
DTS } Installed SIGNet system
As in RA, ">" is supported by substituting "}". To insert a date
line, use the second command example of "DTS /FD DATE 2.02". The
end number is the version number of FD which you must specify for
log compatibility with the version you are using.
Please consult your FrontDoor manual for symbol definitions
DaTiStam 1.03nc (c) Copyright 1992, All Rights Reserved, WhiTech Software
DaTiStam 1.03nc IMBEDDED CODES LIST Page 8 of 11
──────────────────────────────── System Date ─────────────────────────────────
Picture Clause Sample Output Comment
──────────────────── ───────────────── ─────────────────────────────────────
mm-dd-yyyy 02-27-1992 Computer System Date Format
mm-dd-yy 02-27-92 American
dd-mm-yy 27-02-92 European
yy-mm-dd 92-02-27 Gregorian Date
yymmdd 920227 Gregorian Date
yyyymmdd 19920227 Gregorian Date
Mmmmmmmmm February Current month name
dd-Mmm 27-Feb Remote Access BBS Log Date format
Mmm dd, yyyy Feb 27, 1992
Mmmmmmmmm dd, yyyy February 27, 1992
dd-Mmm-yy 27-Feb-92 European
dd Mmm yy 27 Feb 92 Part of Front Door Log Date format
Mmm Feb Current month name, abbreviated
Ddd Wed Current day name, abbreviated
Ddddddddd Wednesday Current day name
yyyy 1992 Current Year, four digits
jjj 051 Julian Day Number in Current Year
yy.jjj 92.051 Same, with 2-digit year in front.
@m 02 Current month
@d 27 Current day number
@y 92 Current year, two digits
──────────────────────────────── System Time ─────────────────────────────────
Picture Clause Sample Output Comment
──────────────────── ───────────────── ─────────────────────────────────────
hh:mm:ss 01:02:03 Computer System Time Format
hhmmss 010203 Computer System Time, no delimiters
hh:mm 01:02 Military time, colon-delimited
hhmm 0102 Military time, no delimiter
hh:mm -m 1:02 am Standard time with am/pm indicator
mmmm 62 Current time in minutes
sssss 3720 Current time in seconds
$h 01 Current hour
$m 02 Current minutes
$s 03 Current seconds
Imbedded codes are the exact picture of how the data will be printed so to
simplify formatting text for the user. The last three codes in both columns
must use the @ and $ symbol to distinguish them from each other. The only
restriction on length of [text] is that the entire DOS command line calling
DTS must be less than 128 characters-- the limit that DOS defines for a
command line.
DaTiStam 1.03nc (c) Copyright 1992, All Rights Reserved, WhiTech Software
DaTiStam 1.03nc USER LICENSE & REGISTRATION Page 9 of 11
This software is not Public Domain. The Author, John White, reserves all
rights and copyright to ownership. Author is not liable for any conditions
that arise after using the product. The product is distributed in two
Version X.XXnc : Non-Commercial Versions
Version X.XX+ : Commercial Version, Registered
╔════════════════════════ REGISTRATION FEES CHART ════════════════ DaTiStam ═╗
║ Non-Commercial (nc) ║
║ Free!. Fee is voluntary. If more than $3, you will get the next major ║
║ version in the mail. If $1-3, you will receive a notice of availability ║
║ of next major version-- available for blank disk and return mailer. If ║
║ not sending a fee, how about giving my WhiTech BBS a call? ║
║ ║
║ Commercial (+) ║
║ Mandatory Fee for License to Use Product after 14-Day Evaluation. Company ║
║ will receive the next 2 major versions at no expense. Upgrades afterwards ║
║ will be available at the Upgrade fees stated. Notice of minor releases ║
║ will be sent and are available with delivery of a blank disk and postage- ║
║ paid return mailer. Upgrade plans include only the privilege to use DTS. ║
║ Disks and printed manuals are extra. Please note that the manual is ║
║ provided on-disk with every release and can be easily printed. ║
║ ║
║ Initial Upgrade ║
║ ║
║ Use on 1- 5 PCs................ $15 .. $ 5 ║
║ Use on 6-20 PCs................ $25 .. $10 ║
║ Unlimited....................... $40 .. $15....... Usage Fee: $_________ ║
║ ║
║ Normal Distribution is One Disk and One Documentation Manual. ║
║ ║
║ Disk For Each PC- PCs:_________ x $2 ...Additional Disks Fee: $_________ ║
║ ║
║ Docs For Each PC- PCs:_________ x $2 ...Additional Docs Fee: $_________ ║
║ ║
║ Total Fee: $_________ ║
║ ║
║ Commercial License granted forever! Software may be sold to other parties ║
║ if ALL original disks and documentation are transferred, and the licensed ║
║ company sends a request for transfer of ownership to WhiTech. The new ║
║ owner will receive all benefits that were entitled to the original owner. ║
║ A fee ($5) is required to change the Licensed Company name in the software ║
║ itself, and must be requested by the new owner AFTER the original owner ║
║ has complied with transfer of ownership procedures. ║
║ NOTE: Registered Users May Download Future Versions from the WhiTech BBS ║
║ at no charge! The number is 919-692-6138. Leave a note to the ║
║ Sysop with your Serial Number and your access will be upgraded. ║
DaTiStam 1.03nc (c) Copyright 1992, All Rights Reserved, WhiTech Software
│Office │
│Use Registration #: ___________│
Registration Date: ___________________ │ Received : ___________│
│ Software Sent : ___________│
Registration Type (Check one): Non-Commercial: _______ Commercial: ______
Contact Name:_________________________________________________________________
City:_________________________________ State:________ Zip:____________________
Payment By: Personal Check#___________ Payment Amount: $______________
Company Check #___________
Money Order #___________
Make Payments & Mail to: John H. White / P.O. Box 878 / Pinebluff, NC 28373
Disk Type Required: 5.25 360k:______ Quantity: _______
3.5 720k:______ Quantity: _______
To receive a diskette with many of WhiTech's shareware software, send a check
in the amount of $5.00 to cover materials and postage, and specify disk size.
General Questions:
How did you get a hold of DTS?________________________________________________
Do you see anything that can be enhanced?_____________________________________
DaTiStam (c) Copyright 1992, All Rights Reserved, WhiTech Software
DaTiStam 1.03nc FINALE' Page 11 of 11
HISTORY : 01-18-92 1.00 Development began.
02-27-92 1.03 Released as SHAREWARE, a 'Non-Commercial product'
DTS 1.03nc does not support row requests greater than 25 and
column requests greater than 80. DTS will run properly on
EGA/VGA/SVGA systems, but you can't address it's higher
row/column coordinates. The next version WILL include this
AUTHOR : WhiTech Software, John H. White
P.O. Box 878
Pinebluff, NC 28373
(919) 692-5646
BBS : WhiTech BBS, (919) 692-6138, USR Dual Standard Modem
Support for registered users is available by calling here.
The BBS is catered to Programming amongst other things.
No Adult material is available, nor is Pirating condoned.
If by a rare chance you cannot reach John at the above two
places, you should be able to reach him at one of these BBS':
Sandhills 1:3636/0 919-245-4948 Cameron, NC
Deep River 1:3636/5 919-464-5316 High Falls, NC
Thank you for taking the time to evaluate this software. If you ever find a
problem with it, or have ideas on how to make it better, your input will be
welcomed. Registered users who suggest an upgrade that is used in the next
version will be granted one additional major version update for the cost of
of return mailer and a blank diskette.
The /REN parameter was a previous program I wrote which was easy to merge into
this program, and hope it is useful to many. I would be interested in hearing
how you have used the command and examples so that I can include them in
future documentation as examples.
If anyone happens to spot a problem/'bug' with DTS, or have suggestions which
may improve its value, we encourage you to submit it as soon as possible. If
WhiTech uses your suggestion, and it was a NEW idea to WhiTech, then you will
receive one extra Major Version Upgrade for the cost of a blank disk and return
Special thanks goes out to Chip Kukuk who helped with testing DTS and proof-
reading this manual.
DaTiStam 1.03nc (c) Copyright 1992, All Rights Reserved, WhiTech Software